§ 9.4. Publication and recording of ordinance.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Unless a later date is set by the Council, each ordinance shall be published within fifteen days after its enactment by one of the following two methods: (1) The full text thereof may be published in a newspaper as defined in Section 2.1(11) either separately or as part of the published Council proceedings or summary thereof, or (2) in cases of ordinance over five hundred words in length, a digest, summary, or statement of purpose of the ordinance, approved by the Council, may be published in a newspaper as defined in Section 2.1(11) including with such newspaper publication a notice that copies of the full text of the ordinance are available for inspection by the public at the office of the Clerk. If method (2) is used, then copies shall promptly be so made available as stated in such notice.


    All ordinances shall be recorded by the Clerk in a book to be called "The Ordinance Book" and it shall be the duty of the Mayor and Clerk to authenticate such records by their official signatures thereon, but the failure to so record and authenticate such ordinance shall not invalidate it or suspend its operation.

State law reference

Mandatory that Charter provide for the publication of all ordinances before they become operative, MCL 117.3(k).